Been a while

So, yeah it's been a while since I've had an entry. Lots going through my mind at this very point in time... spent the majority of last week in Mpls. Weather was great, miss my close friends there, the weather was great, enjoyed finding a couple new hotspots - - the new W Minneapolis and Seven. And did I mention the weather was great?

Seriously, Minneapolis just has this awesome vibe. I pretty much spent most of my time in downtown. I feel the need for something urban. Tired of the suburbs.

The opportunity to move back is right around the corner.

Just.. well, as I said earlier lots going through my mind right now. Maybe I should give my restless thoughts a break and go to bed.

Oh one last thing - - even the radio stations are SO much better in Mpls! Everytime I go back I just totally dig 97.1, and end up hearing some plain old good music. They have a great website with online music. I like to just have their music playing through the day... makes me feel like I'm driving somewhere in Minnesota.

My new favorite artist for chilling out, reminiscing, remembering, ... Matt Nathanson.


Donnie said...

Glad you're back. Doesn't sound quite as though you are. Anyway, good luck! Never been to Mpls. Been to Az. a few times - a dry heat for sure!

Daisy Soap Girl said...

Okay. Maybe I'll take a visit to Mpls. one day. We have decided that we want to travel more places in the good old USA.