Happy First Day of Fall 2008!

Ahh.... the first day of Fall! Love this time of year....but I appreciate it alot more back in my homestate of Minnesota. I just love the crunching of the leaves, the cool in the air... hot apple cider, and knowing that I have to enjoy every last minute before Ol' Man Winter creeps back.

In Arizona I appreciate it too, because it's about 20 degrees cooler, ha! But it's a great time for football, catching up with friends, and getting re-energized! I've heard that the fall is a very productive time of year.

So here's to being productive on a day when the day is as long as the night!

Go Green on Your Coffee!

We're all feeling the pinch... the current economic situation is enabling us to be a bit more "creative" with certain small luxuries. For example, our daily cup of joe.

Did you know that you can bring your own mug, tumbler, or container to some Starbucks and Target Starbucks and they will only charge 50c + tax? How cool is that! So, basically by bringing in your own container for coffee... it's less paper cups they use!

I normally get the smallest size or the "Grande".... for anywhere around $1.60. But now it's only 50c! Sweet!

And the barista told me that that price is good for Iced coffee and Ice Tea too!