Happy First Day of Fall 2008!

Ahh.... the first day of Fall! Love this time of year....but I appreciate it alot more back in my homestate of Minnesota. I just love the crunching of the leaves, the cool in the air... hot apple cider, and knowing that I have to enjoy every last minute before Ol' Man Winter creeps back.

In Arizona I appreciate it too, because it's about 20 degrees cooler, ha! But it's a great time for football, catching up with friends, and getting re-energized! I've heard that the fall is a very productive time of year.

So here's to being productive on a day when the day is as long as the night!

Go Green on Your Coffee!

We're all feeling the pinch... the current economic situation is enabling us to be a bit more "creative" with certain small luxuries. For example, our daily cup of joe.

Did you know that you can bring your own mug, tumbler, or container to some Starbucks and Target Starbucks and they will only charge 50c + tax? How cool is that! So, basically by bringing in your own container for coffee... it's less paper cups they use!

I normally get the smallest size or the "Grande".... for anywhere around $1.60. But now it's only 50c! Sweet!

And the barista told me that that price is good for Iced coffee and Ice Tea too!

Been a while

So, yeah it's been a while since I've had an entry. Lots going through my mind at this very point in time... spent the majority of last week in Mpls. Weather was great, miss my close friends there, the weather was great, enjoyed finding a couple new hotspots - - the new W Minneapolis and Seven. And did I mention the weather was great?

Seriously, Minneapolis just has this awesome vibe. I pretty much spent most of my time in downtown. I feel the need for something urban. Tired of the suburbs.

The opportunity to move back is right around the corner.

Just.. well, as I said earlier lots going through my mind right now. Maybe I should give my restless thoughts a break and go to bed.

Oh one last thing - - even the radio stations are SO much better in Mpls! Everytime I go back I just totally dig 97.1, and end up hearing some plain old good music. They have a great website with online music. I like to just have their music playing through the day... makes me feel like I'm driving somewhere in Minnesota.

My new favorite artist for chilling out, reminiscing, remembering, ... Matt Nathanson.

Have you watched Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" yet?

I finally watched the entire "Last Lecture" earlier this week... it was 1 hour and 16minutes. So, yes... it was a lecture. Ha! Albeit a very moving and inspiring lecture. I wanted to "pay my respect" to Mr. Pausch, the Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon Univ who recently lost his battle to Pancreatic Cancer. While he was not a professor at my University, his lecture on life certainly did teach me and encourage me to keep on, keeping on!

His empowering lecture hits on what should be the main points or basic guidance on how we can lead our lives, and ultimately never giving up on our dreams!

It really dovetails the last post I had. There were a couple things in his lecture that really hit home for me:
"Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things."
"Experience is what we get, when we don't get what we wanted!"

Wow.... I can certainly relate to that. Well, both! Those are just two small samplings from his now Famous "Last Lecture". I would encourage you to view the lecture when you have a moment as well.

Live Your Dreams!

So true... this quote is so true! We all are presented with obstacles, challenges, and risks. Do you move forward or do you allow your obstacles to keep you from moving forward towards your dreams?

If so, don't do that anymore!

Life is meant to be lived! Carpe diem!

Yes, I still have credit card debt... but I know that I WILL overcome it someday! I am NOT letting my debt define me. I define me.

We only live on earth for such a short, short time. Why not live? Go out there and explore this wonderful world that we live in. Live with no regrets!

The Correct Way to Wear Ladies' Wedding Rings

Running at the gym earlier today... Rachel Ray is on the TV, and I notice her wedding rings. She has a pretty big rock, BUT her wedding band is above the ring with the big diamond. Which makes me more confused...

This confused me last year when I got married, and a year later I still don't know! So, when you get married... how do you wear the wedding band - closer or away from your heart?
I will probably feel like an idiot, cause I think I google'd this last year or asked or friend (or probably just looked at another married woman's finger) and I swore it was to wear the band below the "big" ring and "closer" to your heart.

If anyone out there reading this is a jeweler and knows the correct way... can you PLEASE make note in the comment section.

I really would like to know once and for all.

Does it really matter? In the grand scheme of things, probably not... but I guess it's just my anal retentive side that wants to know.

In the meantime, I'm gonna google again. Or maybe I should "Cuil" it. Ha! Cuil... and that would be another post....

***Here's what Wikipedia had to say:
"One interpretation states that the woman wears the wedding ring below the engagement ring, thus making it closer to the heart. Another practice holds that the woman should wear the wedding ring above the engagement ring, thus sealing the atmosphere of the engagement into the marriage. Still others prefer that the wedding ring should be worn alone. Further, modern ring sets in the United States are often marketed as a three-piece set, including the man's wedding band, the woman's engagement ring, and a slender band that is mounted to the engagement ring before the wedding, converting it into a single, permanent wedding ring."

So I guess it doesn't really matter?? If it does or if you have a different opinion, please leave a comment below. Thx!

People NEED vacations!

Sorry for the delay.... got back from Vegas Monday afternoon, and it's been a whirlwind! Had some friends over last night... good times! (Lots o' vino!)

Vegas... fun! I tell you, with the current economy..... Vegas is still BOOMING! There were people everywhere! We stayed at the Planet Hollywood, and it was packed.

I asked the front desk agent if business was slowing, and she said no. So just as I thought... even though times are tough for everyone, we will ALWAYS find a way to travel.

Now it's not that we want a vacation... we NEED a vacation!

You can read travel tips and advice on my travel blog http://worldtravelista.blogspot.com/

One desert to another..

Pretty excited! We're off to Vegas this morning - wahoo!

Guess that's another perk of working for yourself... you can set your own hours! AND, I rarely have to set my alarm anyone. I'm naturally a morning person, so I wake up early anyways.

But Vegas.. ahhh! So excited... We are going out for just some fun today and pretty much Friday, but we have a workshop Saturday and Sunday for our Travel Business. To learn more about the industry, the company.... basically just hang out with about 1,000 of our friends at Mandalay Bay. SOOO excited!

Junk Mail...

Pretty annoying! In the interest of getting "Greener"... I signed up for Greendimes (I think a couple years ago).

Oprah had a "Green" show a while back and had several celebrities on endorsing how they've gone green. Matt Damon spoke of how he uses "Greendimes" to stop junk mail.

When you sign-up for Greendimes, they will write to all the catalogs (that you choose).. and other various paper-wasters to stop cluttering up your mailbox. I think they even plant trees for me somewhere in the world where there is deforestation going on.

It took about 6 months or so... but honestly, it's SO nice to not have so many pesty letters from credit-card companies offering me the world, all those annoying catalogs that I never read anyways. So worth it!

The Success Principles

One of my colleagues at my last J.O.B. (just over broke) recommended this book. He advised me that it has been the best book he's ever read.... and I'd have to probably agree with him.

This book takes all the best philosophies, ideas, and principles from all the success masters and compiles into one book. Yes, it's got alot of pages.. but it's awesome. It has really been so motivating for me!

As a friend recently told me: "Dream Big! The possibilities are endless!"


You probably already know my love affair with eBay.... it is an off/on relationship. Right now... it's probably "off", but I'm still buying things here and there with eBay.

For example, yesterday I bought a new 4gb mini memory card for my new Crackberry. Totally lame, my phone crapped out again Friday night -- two much memory used, couldn't get any more txt messages. Lame! So I called tmobile, and went through everything w/ the customer service rep. Basically came to the conclusion that i have to break down and buy the $45.00 memory card so that my phone doesn't keep deleting stuff.

"Whaaaa" (Heavenly voice). The tmobile guy told me that I could find them on eBay too for less. DUH!!! Why didn't I think of that? Seriously??!! :)So, yup! Found it... for like $9.00 (I think).

But I used to be a real nerdy eBay freak. I mean big time! It was so much fun. When I lived in Southern CA, I used to buy a bunch of purses and fashion items and then sell them on eBay. It was great. I mean, there were several months that I was able to pay my mortgage payment w/ my eBay profits. Cool stuff... and then i got my mom hooked! She was going to all these garage sales in small-town Minnesota ..... getting other people's junk and selling it online. She was having fun too.

But... some times it gets old. Really frustrating when you get these super whiney customers... and the lines waiting at the post office... eBay was raising their fees, etc. So basically put it on hold.I still think it's great and has it's place. Especially on weekends, like now, when I'm going through my house and looking at what crap i should donate to goodwill or just sell on eBay.

Like for instance, we got an Arizona Diamondback bobblehead couple years ago. And I saw that figure recently fetched like $30.00. So yup, I'll be putting that guy on pretty soon. That's almost a full tank of gas for my prius.

Saving on Gas Mileage

My husband was telling me how he bought some kind of air filter for his car that supposedly helps you to get better gas mileage. So I googled last night... and found the brand that he uses (guess I should have asked him first) ha!

But... apparently there's a "lifetime" air filter by K & N filters that you can put in your car. It's really for getting better air-flow to the engine. But one thing that most people have found is that it really helps with acceleration, overall performance of your car, and it can increase your MPG!

That's awesome...I've been getting around 51 mpg w/ my Prius... but I'm curious if I can kick it up to 60mpg. I'll keep ya posted!